Thursday 8 November 2012

Thursday Thrifted Treasures - Dresses

Thrifted Treasures will become a weekly feature on my blog. You see I love items  which are second hand. Whether I buy these items from thrift stores (op shops as Australians call them), garage sales, flea markets or hand me downs from relatives and friends. The adventure of hunting through the racks and piles of items then the thrill you get when you find something is priceless. Not only do I try and shop second hand for the sheer excitement but also to reduce my carbon footprint and to satisfy my frugal tendencies.

Moving on.

Today I visited one of my favorite Op shops. Church op shops run by little old ladies are becoming less common and has been taken over by places such as The Salvation Army (Salvos) and The Brotherhood of St Laurence. Nothing wrong with that as they all give back to the community. But there is something special with op shops run by little old ladies - don't you agree?

I didn't have much time to mosey around today. However, in the 8 minutes I was in there I found these two dresses. The first is a paisley maxi dress which is a great addition to my wardrobe for the coming summer. The second is a black tunic dress with a beaded neckline. I confess - I have a "thing" for  black clothing. No I am not goth or emo. 


Until next time....


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